Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/starlink-satellite-dish-cats/

If you haven’t yet heard of SpaceX’s Starlink satellite dishes, you will be hearing about them before very long.

It is part of the company’s Internet project, and they are busy putting up to 12,000 satellites in low Earth orbit so that more and more people can get connected.

There are already some Starlink satellite dishes in existence and undoubtedly, there will be many more that are following along shortly. They are designed to provide Internet but it seems as if they provide a convenient place for felines to get some rest.

1200x628 template 2022 01 03T183302.100 - Cats Seem To Be Huge Fans Of Elon Musk’s Starlink Satellite Dishes
Photo: Pixabay/PublicDomainPictures

As one person from Canada reported on Twitter, there were up to five cats resting in his dish at a time. They weren’t sure how many it can handle.

Aaron Taylor, from Alberta and Saskatchewan, said: “Starlink works great until the cats find out that the dish gives off a little heat on cold days.”

It seems as if there are others who are reporting the same thing, so it isn’t only a Canadian issue. For example, one official beta tester shared on Reddit:

“I was checking my dish with a thermal sight and it actually looks like the whole dish, even the backside is warm. So you might [find] animals under or around it in general if it’s ground-mounted.”

It isn’t only cats that appreciate the warmth. It seems as if all kinds of critters are getting into the dishes and taking advantage of the heat, including birds and rodents. Although they can rest, they can’t necessarily nest so they wouldn’t interrupt the Internet signal.

Have you experienced cats or other critters snoozing on your Starlink satellite? Let us know!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog