Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/dog-bear-attack-reddit/

Dogs are incredible for so many reasons. One that has always resonated with me is that they give us their entire lives, while only being present for part of ours.

Still, deep bonds can be made during that time. To get to the heart of the matter, one Reddit poster asked their fellow users an interesting hypothetical:

“Would you cut of 5 years of your own life and give these to your dog? If so, why?”

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U/Experimentality had a worthy answer, detailing a time where his 15-year-old pup Daisy, an English bull terrier, saved the lives of him and his family:

“My family and I were on vacation at a cabin in Maine,” he wrote. “Got caught walking up from the lake by a bear after dark. Couldn’t tell it was a bear until it stood up and the motion light turned on. It was standing over 6 foot tall between us and the cabin. It fell forward onto it’s [sic] front feet, huffing. It made a noise like a dinosaur.”

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Photo: Pixabay/SuicideOmen

Suddenly, Daisy “launched an attack from behind the bear. I’m tearing up thinking about it,” he added. “I ran the kids into the cabin, grabbed the rifle and spent the next five minutes running through dark woods, trying to follow the sounds of my growling dog and a furious bear. The growling stopped and I could hear the bear running off through the woods.” His heart beating frantically, he continued to search. All the while, he feared the worst.

“It took two hours to find Daisy after the bear ran off,” he concluded. “She had what looked like road rash along her sides, her hip was broken and her leg was crushed. She was curled next to a tree with her tail thumping the ground. Her white fur all shades of red and pink.”

Through her fearless defense of the family, Daisy had bought them all enough time to get to safety. She saved their lives, something that the poster was grateful for, but surprised by. “This dog is afraid of the Swiffer,” he added. “I love her so much. I owe Daisy 3 lives, f*** 5 years.”

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Fortunately, Daisy recovered from the attack and continues to be a very good girl! One redditor asked for an update, eager to know how she was doing:

“Yes, she’s still puttering around,” the poster answered. “She doesn’t go for walks any more because of injuries and old age. Just gave her a pork chop. She needs a bath.”

Thankfully, Daisy not only saved her family but recovered and continues to live in a home that’s even fuller with love and appreciation!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog