Original Article: https://www.austinpetsalive.org/blog/h-b-3806

MASONRY 15 - Stop H.B. 3806 in its Tracks
Mar 28, 2019

UPDATE!: The Agriculture and Livestock Committee received over 2,500 emails regarding this bill! Because of the outreach and overwhelming response from the incredible animal welfare community here in Texas, Representative Springer and the committee will not be furthering the bill this session. Thank you to everyone who wrote this committee! This is a major win for animal welfare!

On Monday, April 1 at 10:30am, the Texas Legislature will hear House Bill 3806, an act related to veterinary services by releasing agencies. This pending legislation would effectively and dramatically limit what low-cost animal wellness clinics across the entire state of Texas can offer to the public, including spay/neuter, heartworm treatment and prevention, deworming, and flea control.

H.B. 3806 would limit agencies that help many people and their pets with important, lifesaving wellness services. This new law would limit these agencies so they could only serve citizens who are enrolled in state or federal aid programs. This would result in much fewer Texans being able to use low-cost spay/neuter services and other services that Texans need for their pets, such as annual vaccinations and general wellness care. Realistically, this could mean more pets being surrendered to animal shelters as one of the major reasons owners surrender their pets is because they cannot afford basic vet care for their animals.

Additionally, this bill would ultimately result in more funds being spent on animal control, and result in greater suffering of homeless pets. H.B. 3806 would set animal welfare efforts back decades.

It’s important that you call and email TODAY to let Texas Representatives know that H.B. 3806 should not be brought to public hearing.

You can read H.B. 3806 in its entirety here.

This bill is being heard by the Agriculture & Livestock Committee, and we’ve listed the members and their contact information below. Call and/or email them TODAY, and let them know that you are against H.B. 3806! We’ve also written out some talking points and recommendations to make it easy for you:

  1. H.B. 3806 is not good for Texans because it reduces accessibility to low-cost, affordable, lifesaving care for their pets.
  2. Less accessible wellness care for pets means more pets will inevitably end up homeless, continuing to overcrowd shelters and costing more resources and spending on animal control.
  3. Texas has been making active, positive progress towards being a truly safe place for pets. This act would severely set back animal welfare efforts.
  4. If you are emailing the committee members, you can make the subject line H.B. 3806 – Request to NOT HEAR.
  5. Join us on Monday at the Texas Capitol where we will be standing in solidarity for the continued progress of animal welfare in this great state — H.B. 3806 stands to set us back decades. When you enter the Capitol, sign up on the kiosks in the main lobby and vote NO on H.B. 3806. Let us know you’re joining us by clicking here.


Rep. Drew Springer, Committee Chair (District 68)
[email protected]
(512) 463-0526

Rep. Charles “Doc” Anderson, Vice Chair (District 56)
[email protected]
(512) 463-0135

Rep. Michelle Beckley (District 65)
[email protected]
(512) 463-0478

Rep. Brad Buckley (District 54)
[email protected]
(512) 463-0684

Rep. DeWayne Burns (District 58)
[email protected]
(512) 463-0538

Rep. Art Fierro (District 79)
[email protected]
(512) 463-0596

Rep. Thresa “Terry” Meza (District 105)
[email protected]
(512) 463-0641

Rep. Richard Peña Raymond (District 42)
[email protected]
(512) 463-0558

Rep. Erin Zwiener (District 45)
[email protected]
(512) 463-0647

Thank you for caring, Texas!

Source: Austin Pets Alive