Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/martin-rescued/

It always astonishes me the cruelty of people. How anyone can abandon an animal is beyond me – especially if that animal is in any way sick or injured.

Unfortunately, there are awful people everywhere who have no problem dumping off their animals with the same indifference as dropping off a sofa at the dump. It’s heartless and it’s absolutely no way to treat a pet.

Sadly, for one 8-month-old dog, he was chucked out into the cold and unforgiving environment after his owner decided that they didn’t want to have to bother with him anymore.

new landscape 2021 08 13T105000.886 - Puppy Rescued After Being Left To Die Because He Walked Funny
Photo: YouTube/Animal Shelters

For the poor pooch, that meant being left to wander around in the elements without any food or shelter. Fortunately, he was found before something bad happened to him.

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However, it was quickly observed by his rescuers that the dog had something wrong as he was walking around with a limp.

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Photo: YouTube/Animal Shelters

He was taken to a local vet in order to see what the issue was, and it was quickly discovered that the poor animal was suffering from contracted muscles in his hip.

In order for him to be able to walk normally again, he would need surgery and rehabilitation.

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Photo: Max Pixel

The dog, who was later named Martin, proved that he was a fighter.

He pulled through, thus getting a second chance at life, and we are so happy for him!

Watch the clip below:

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What do you think of Martin’s rescue? Let us know!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog