Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/pit-bull-protects-owner-from-robbery/

A small pit bull mix is a hero after saving her owner from a knife attack and attempted robbery.

According to local news station Basildon Canvey Southend Echo, Amy Edmondson was walking her dog named Star on April 5. During her late-night outing, the 3o-year-old was approached by two strangers in Southend-on-Sea, a town in Essex, England.

The man and woman walked up to Edmondson and began asking directions. However, as Edmondson began explaining things to the woman, the man attacked her from behind.

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Photo: SnappyGoat

She told the outlet, “While I was talking to the woman, the man just jumped on my back, pushing me to the ground and held a knife to my throat. They kept saying, give me your money, where’s your money, we need your money.”

Edmondson recounted how she feared for her life at that moment and thought of her 9-year-old son who would be motherless if things got worse. She said, “All I was thinking was that my son was going to grow up without a mum and my dog was going to be without me.”

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dog sleeping 3JEC5JEU7O 507x338 - Pit Bull Mix Hailed A Hero After Saving Her Owner’s Life During A Knife Attack
Photo: StockSnap

However, Star wasn’t about to let that happen and immediately recognized the danger of the situation. According to The Mirror, Star lunged at the woman and began biting her. She “refused” to let go, even as the woman fought to get her off.

She shared with The Mirror that it was because of Star that she was finally free. After what “felt like forever,” she finally convinced the man to get off her by promising that she’d call Star off if she were freed.

The man finally got off her and she was able to get Star while the couple ran away as fast as they could.

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Photo: Pixabay

She told the outlet, “Star saved my life. It was actually really out of character for her -— she’s the most loving little dog usually, she would lick anyone to death.”

What a good dog! We can only imagine the special dinner she got that night after such heroic action.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog