Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/rescue-story-jeter/

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

In March of this year, I was working the late shift at the hotel I work at when the security guard informed me that some weird noise was coming from behind the soda machine in the hotel laundry room. I listened and heard faint meows, and saw eyes looking back at me. There was a cat tied to the soda machine. Then I saw a bag wrapped in a rubber band with a note. The note said, “need home, got shot, can’t mate, I’m not trouble.”

rescue story jeter - Jeter Scores A Home
Photo: Alan

At first, I called animal control, but they told me they can’t come until the morning. I decided to put the cat in a vacant hotel bathroom with food and newspapers until the morning.

Throughout the night I would check up on him while talking to a close friend who talked me into adopting him. I had wanted a cat before and it was just was bad timing. The next day I brought the cat myself to the animal hospital. I expressed that I am interested in adopting this beautiful cat.

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During the checkup, they found a microchip and contacted the last owner. The owner said they were going to pick him up. I was infuriated. Why would they give this cat back to the previous owners after they abandoned him?

jeter pixabay - Jeter Scores A Home
Photo: Pixabay

I would call the hospital every couple of days to see if he was picked up. By the week’s end, I was informed to come in and pick him up, that the previous owner surrendered him. I was ecstatic and picked him up. I named him Jeter after the shortstop of my favorite team–the Yankees.

I am so happy I adopted him. Every morning, he welcomes me home from work and plays with me. I kiss him and he kisses me right back.

Story submitted by Alan, from Elizabeth, NJ.

Jeter’s story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog