Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/dogs-play-poker/

Since being home more due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have taken up new hobbies and learned how to do new things. Apparently, this doesn’t just apply to humans either.

As Olive and Mabel, two adorable labradors, go to prove, dogs are learning tricks as well.

Their owner, Scottish broadcaster Andrew Cotter, decided to teach them to play poker. Perhaps he was lonely from being quarantined for too long and missed playing with his buddies, or maybe he just wanted to keep his furry friends entertained. Either way, the resulting game is too cute!

Screenshot 3944 600x334 - Owner Teaches His Dogs How To Play Poker
Photo: YouTube/mrandrewcotter

Cotter shared a video of the three of them playing a round, and it seems that Olive has quite the poker face. Mabel, on the other hand, isn’t so certain about the game. She participates, but somewhat reluctantly.

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Cotter has a pretty strong hand, so he raises a few chips and even throws in some dog biscuits. Then, he flips Mabel’s cards and reveals a dinosaur-themed deck that she’s not thrilled about.

Screenshot 3943 600x334 - Owner Teaches His Dogs How To Play Poker
Photo: YouTube/mrandrewcotter

He moves on and flips Olive’s deck to find five aces! “Five aces? See this? This is the reason you’re banned from casinos or one of the many reasons.”

All of the chips and dog biscuits were slid in Olive’s direction, except for a measly half a biscuit reserved for Mabel. She got the little piece just for participating.

Screenshot 3946 600x332 - Owner Teaches His Dogs How To Play Poker
Photo: YouTube/mrandrewcotter

“There you go cash in have the lot take the biscuits. I think you’ve just seen one of the chips as well. At least give half to Mabel,” he said.

Watch the adorable video below:

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog