Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/rescue-story-sammie/

This story was originally shared TheAnimalRescueSite.GreaterGood.com. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

I got a phone call at 2:00 am one morning from my friend, Paula. Paula was frantic & crying. She said her neighbor, an older drunk man, was outside hitting & kicking his dog in the middle of the yard. It was storming and she was crying and that the police wouldn’t do anything because it was after hours.

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I told her to go get the dog and to call me back as soon as she did. I said that I would come get her and the dog.

I never heard back from her so I went to sleep. Paula lives and hour from me and I called and called and got no answer and I couldn’t stop thinking about her.

Days later, she calls again and tells me that the man was drunk again. Paula said he had thrown a glass ashtray at the dog’s snout and that his sons were squeezing her until she would yelp. By then, I was ready to hunt this man down but I said Paula you go get her I will come get her right now.

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Paula said I will call you back in 10 minutes. To my surprise, she calls me back and said she grabbed the dog, and begging me to please come get her before he kills her.

I drove to her house as fast as I could. When I got their, I was in shock by the size and condition of the little dog.

She was skinny, scared, bleeding, and needed vet care as soon as possible. I take her home, feed her, bathe her and stayed up with her until the next morning. Then I took her to the vet she had worms, fleas, and was malnourished. The poor pup’s snout was broken and she is having a false pregnancy but that would pass. He even did an ultrasound and their were no puppies.

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PHOTO: Renee

I take her home and do everything he told me to do. A few weeks go by and she starts acting funny. I just watched her and call her into the bedroom. I thought maybe she had a tummy ache or is scared. She looks at me and cries out and within 35 minutes their were 6 tiny puppies in the middle of my bed… I guess I’m a grandma now.

Long story short we saved her and her puppies.

Story submitted by Renee of Kansas City, Missouri.

Sammie’s story was originally shared on theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com. Share your very own rescue story here!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog