Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/man-saves-dog-from-icy-water/

A Dallas real estate agent had quite the scare when his dog curiously ventured onto their frozen pool and plunged through the ice.

Dan Holmes was in his frozen backyard, clearing a path from the snow. His two Australian Shepherds, Christi and Colbi, were out exploring with him. In a video captured by the home’s security footage, you can see Christi and Colbi sniffing around, unsure what to think of the snow.

Slowly, the dogs make their way closer to the pool. Christi stops right by the icy edge and gives it a sniff. She seems to think it’s solid and walks out onto the ice. She makes it almost to the other side of the pool when the ice becomes too thin and she crashes through into the water.

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Photo: Facebook / Dan Holmes

In the video, you can see her struggling to hold the edge of the ice and pull herself out, but she isn’t making much progress.

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After a short moment, Holmes notices and runs to the pool’s edge to try and reach Christi.

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Photo: Facebook / Dan Holmes
Screenshot 1910 Copy 600x336 - Man Issues A Warning After His Dog Nearly Drowns In Their Frozen Pool
Photo: Facebook / Dan Holmes

“I was cleaning snow away from the windows when my wife starts screaming all of a sudden and I turned around and saw Christi hanging onto the ice,” Holmes said, according to Fox4News.

Holmes and his wife and can be seen watching Christi in terror, unsure what to do. Finally, Holmes gets down on his hands and knees and crawls onto the ice which immediately gives way. He plunges into the icy water and reaches for Christi.

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Photo: Facebook / Dan Holmes

Thankfully, Holmes is able to get Christi to the side of the pool and they both make it out safely.

As Fox4News shared, Holmes admitted that he was terrified and unsure what to do. He let instinct take over and it worked out. Though Christi is used to the water and regularly swims in the pool, she isn’t used to ice and cold temperatures.

Holmes shared the terrifying rescue video on his Facebook page. He wanted it to serve as a reminder to keep a close eye on your pets.

He said, “Warning, if you have pets be careful. Watch this video, thank goodness I was out near the pool.”

Texas has been experiencing unprecedented winter storms and power outages. Pipes are bursting, roofs are collapsing, and people are struggling just to stay warm. However, it’s not just people that are in danger from the cold. Both wildlife and domestic animals are at greater risk with the winter storms. Sea turtles are becoming cold-stunned and dogs and cats are susceptible to hypothermia.

Hopefully Holme’s video serves as a reminder to keep a close eye on your pets!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog