Original Article: http://chewonthis.maddiesfund.org/2021/02/catch-up-with-the-no-place-like-home-challenge-huddles-on-maddies-pet-forum/

iStock 1221003619 copy - Catch-up with the No Place Like Home Challenge huddles on Maddie’s Pet Forum

We are halfway through the eight, great Return to Home (RTH) huddles! If you’ve been unable to attend all of them or simply want to connect with other Challenge participants, head on over to Maddie’s® Pet Forum.

Our kickoff huddle focused on organizations embracing the culture of Return to Home. There, one of our panelists, Ed Jamison Director of Dallas Animal Services, shared a simple yet effective flyer his officers use in the field when they find a lost pet. In Dallas, they are required to post two of these flyers in the neighborhood when they find a lost pet. You can access this flyer and another example in the No Place Like Home Challenge group. If you are not a member, simply join the group and voila!

All of our past huddles are posted in the group along with any websites or videos that were shared during the presentations. You can also connect with other participants across the country to see what is working and what isn’t when it comes to Return to Home.

Be sure to join today’s huddle, Return in Field at 10am PST with April Moore (KC Pet Project) and Amy-Jo Sites (Fort Wayne ACC). Register now and we hope to see you there!

Source: Chew On This