Original Article: https://www.dogster.com/dog-breeds/cockalier

If there’s one thing we can say about the Cockalier dog breed it’s that it is certainly one of the most adorable you’ll ever see! It takes the qualities of the compact Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and mixes them with the larger but equally adorable size of the Cocker Spaniel.

When you mix these two dogs together, you’re going to get one heck of a companion. These dogs will thrive on the connections they have with their human counterparts and are all-around great canines to have in virtually any lifestyle or living situation.

Breed Overview


12–17 inches


10–30 pounds


12–15 years


black, black and tan, orange roan, blue roan, liver roan, tri-color, liver & tan, ash, golden, ruby, Blenheim

Suitable for:

Companionship, emotional support


Affectionate, good-natured, happy-go-lucky, calm

The Cockalier encompasses all of the qualities that make canines fantastic. They are loyal to a fault, super affectionate, and even moderately easy to train. So, if you’re a beginner owner or seasoned professional, these dogs will acclimate awesomely into your lifestyle!

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Dogster divider v1 NEW MAY 24 - Cockalier Mixed Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care & More

Cockalier Characteristics

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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Dogster divider v2 NEW MAY 24 - Cockalier Mixed Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care & More

Cockalier Puppies

As puppies, the breed combination will certainly be the cutest thing you ever did see! These puppies will be very affectionate, good natured, and dependent from a very early age. You might find that these pups are a little calmer than others.

This might be a really great option for people who have children or a novice owner who’s just starting out in the world of pet keeping. While these little dogs will surely be playful and exuberant, they won’t be overwhelming. You can play with them with a variety of different toys to see their particular likes and dislikes.

Because this is a hybrid, we highly recommend adopting from a rescue or shelter. But be very leery when you are buying from a person who is breeding these dogs intentionally. There aren’t enough regulations in place for this hybrid to ensure that they have received the proper vetting and genetic testing.

Cockalier Origin & History

The Cockalier is a hybrid combination of the Cocker Spaniel and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. There are no regulatory standards on this particular hybrid, as they are not part of any kennel club.

Both parent breeds are very notorious for being excellent companion animals throughout history, though they do have slightly different backgrounds. The Cocker Spaniel was originally formed in Britain during the 1800s. They were specifically bred to be hunting dogs, used to rustle prey from the hedgerows and bramble.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has quite a different history. Unlike many spaniels who were bred for work, this pup had a different purpose. During the 18th century, these dogs were bred to warm the laps of people in castles or carriage rides. So ultimately, they were bred to be the perfect lap dog.

Parent Breeds of Cockalier Mix 1 - Cockalier Mixed Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care & More
Image Credit: altair, Pexels | Right – rdne, Pexels

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Cockalier 🧠

These dogs will be incredibly docile, easy-going, and a friend to all. This is certainly a fantastic breed combination for virtually any lifestyle. However, this is certainly not a dog that will do well outside on a regular basis, as they have the dainty nature of the Cavalier King.

These are dogs that love to be pampered and would much prefer being indoors with their humans than out in the elements. We will find that they are very easy to manage as they get along with everyone and everything.

These dogs would make amazing emotional support animals, as they are highly intuitive and very people oriented. Sometimes, they get attached to one particular person, devoting all of their love and affection to them.

That doesn’t mean that they are not social or interactive with other people, it simply means that they are very loyal to one person. Even if you buy an animal for one member of the household, they might really take a shine to someone else.

These little dogs are intelligent, but require a lot of attention. Don’t let them fool you, they are perfectly capable of learning a variety of things. They might be a little complicated for novice owners to potty train, but they tend to be very receptive to other types of training.

The key is to be diligent, patient, and consistent in the process of potty training.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 👪

This particular cross can be an amazing family dog. Whether you have a growing family or you are a senior settling down in your golden years, this can be a great dog to have. If you enjoy relaxing, but you’re willing to walk a little as well, these pups are perfect!

They are calm and docile, meaning that they aren’t extremely exercise intensive. They will be perfectly happy with a few brisk walks a day, spending time in a fenced-in backyard, or taking occasional visits to a dog park.

These agreeable pups like to be a part of everything, which also means that they might develop a little separation anxiety if they are left alone frequently. They would much prefer being by someone’s side than being alone while people are gone for hours a day.

In fact, they are so attached to their owners, it’s likely not a good idea to commit to this breed if you don’t have a lot of time to spend with them. Once they develop separation anxiety, it can lead to nervous tendencies and even poor behaviors. However, as long as one person will be home at a time for the majority of a day, these dogs tend to acclimate very well to the environment.

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets? 🐶 😽

This breed will certainly get along well with other pets. While every case is different, as long as your pup has been properly socialized and trained, they should not really get up in arms about any other pets.

However, on occasion, one might be a little bit more territorial or aggressive than others. The key is to socialize your dog very early to a variety of different animals if you want them to be complacent and compatible with others.

However, keep in mind that the Cocker Spaniel’s original purpose was to hunt with humans, wrestling out the Eurasian Woodcock from its hiding places. Therefore, even if they are super laid back, relaxed, and gentle, they might have a prey drive that causes them to chase.

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Dogster divider v2 NEW MAY 24 - Cockalier Mixed Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care & More

Things to Know When Owning a Cockalier:

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

This dog has no real food restrictions right off the rip. However, you should always give your dog a quality diet. Before you select your recipe, you should always get approval from your veterinarian.

Folks these days are choosing a wide variety of selections for their pets based on several factors. For example, wet canned food and dry kibble are still viable options that are available just about anywhere you go.

However, more and more people are switching focus to more species-appropriate diets, such as fresh food, raw food, or homemade recipes. With these types of foods, you have to be careful and do your research.

Any recipes that you make on your own should certainly be approved by your vet to make sure your dog is getting all the nutrients their body requires. As puppies, your dog will need an all stages or puppy formula to help their growing bodies. You might need to switch their diet to focus on any sensitivities.

Exercise 🐕

This dog does not require extensive exercise, but they still need plenty of it! They require approximately 45 minutes of exercise in a day’s time to stay happy and healthy.

You can break this up into fun little walks or take them to their favorite dog park to play. They will have fun doing whatever activities you have in store for them that day, as long as it means spending lots of time with their favorite human.

Training 🎾

These dogs are highly trainable. Sometimes, Cocker Spaniels get a bad rap for being a little difficult to train. The reality is, they are certainly of the learning variety, so don’t think you won’t be able to train them.

Some dogs will be easier to train than others in terms of potty training and command, while others take a little more time to catch on. But they will have nothing more than the approval and adoration of their human companions. When it comes to commands, they will be very receptive to being obedient if they know that it pleases you.

On the other hand, certain things like potty training can be a little more complicated at first. But with enough perseverance , they will thrive in this department too.

Grooming ✂️

Grooming can be pretty intense with this breed, but it’s totally manageable. You can really pamper your pooch, taking them to professional groomers for the royal treatment or you can learn to do it from the comfort of your own home.

Both of their coats are generally easy to manage, and don’t necessarily require any fancy haircuts, although you can certainly opt for some style! However, you will have to take them to the groomer for a haircut or to learn how to do it at home.

Both parent breeds have slightly wispy hair that will need regular upkeep. You should start brushing your dog from a very early age so they get acclimated with the process, and give them a bath with dog-friendly shampoo every 6 to 8 weeks.

Health and Conditions ❤️

These dogs should be relatively healthy. Of course, this can be somewhat unpredictable since this is a hybrid, and neither parent is likely genetically tested. That means that it can be very hard to predict exactly what is going to happen in terms of health. However, you can be aware of both breeds’ particular health concerns in order to be educated in the future.

In a dog’s first year of life, they will need to get to know their vet pretty well. You will have to take them in for growth monitoring, routine vaccinations, and spay/neuter. Microchipping is also an elective option for people who want to keep track of their pets.

Due to the increase in vet cost, many families are trusting pet insurance companies to cover them and times of need. You can find a policy that fits your budget so you can give your dog the best care ever.

Minor Conditions
  • Dental disease
  • Skin fold dermatitis
Serious Conditions
  • Heart disease
  • Liver problems
  • Hypothyroidism

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Dogster divider v1 NEW MAY 24 - Cockalier Mixed Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care & More

Male vs Female

If you’re trying to make a decision on whether to buy a boy or girl, you might wonder if there are any real differences that would sway your decision. When it comes to personality, it’s very hard to determine how any dog will act, so it is almost impossible to select a dog based on sex alone. Since they are a mixed breed, they can also carry the attributes of either parent breed, making this area unpredictable.

The Cocker Spaniel is larger than the King Charles, so they could be any size or ranging in between. It’s also harder to tell how large a dog will be based on sex since there are so many genetic factors that play.

Males and females reach sexual maturity between the ages of 4 and 6 months. At this point, females will begin heat cycles, which can cause behavioral changes and bleeding. The cycles last a few weeks, and will occur on a routine basis until the female is fixed.

Males, on the other hand, might change slightly in terms of personality after reaching sexual maturity. They also might want to wander or explore more in search of females. Despite either sex, it is imperative that you get them fixed to prevent unwanted pregnancy or wandering off.

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Dogster divider v3 NEW MAY 24 - Cockalier Mixed Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care & More

3 Little-Known Facts About the Cockalier

1. Both parent breeds look similar.

Both of these breeds are spaniels, so you’ll find that they share a lot of similarities. Since this is the case, it is somewhat easier to predict certain traits that are common among both breeds.

2. Puppies can vary in size.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a very tiny dog. While it is still considered a smaller breed, the Cocker Spaniel is significantly larger.. Because of this, the puppies are often unpredictable in size, ranging anywhere from as small as the Cavalier King to as large as the Cocker Spaniel.

3. These dogs will be very loyal.

Both of these breeds are incredibly loyal dogs. They are very people oriented and make amazing family companions. They will stand by your side through thick and thin, making them amazing companion animals for a variety of purposes and personalities.

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Dogster divider v1 NEW MAY 24 - Cockalier Mixed Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care & More

Final Thoughts

Now you know more about the cute little Cockalier. These dogs are quite remarkable, so if you stumble upon one at a rescue or shelter, we highly recommend meeting them! These dogs have certain characteristics that might make them a little harder to manage for some than others, but overall they are very compatible with a number of situations.

Keep in mind that many backyard breeding and puppy mill operations use hybrid breeds to gain profit. If someone is breeding these dogs on purpose and trying to charge high dollars, we recommend steering clear.

Source: Dogster