Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/rescue-story-bean/

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

My husband and I had moved to Abu Dhabi in the UAE, and it was one of many stops as we worked our way around the world. We had fostered cats previously when we lived in Taiwan, and I knew that I wanted to do the same in AD. My friend and I visited the Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital, the world’s leading falcon care specialists, who are also a no kill animal shelter.

bean2 - Shelter Cat Goes on Adventure That Takes Him From Abu Dhabi to the U.S.

As we walked into the cat building, the attendant told me that they didn’t have a foster program, just adoption. As we made our way down the aisle, tiny rooms on either side of us jammed with cats, the doors boasting half-high windows, a face popped up at me.


He had leapt to perch on the doorknob so he could see out and he pawed the glass. He was about 8-months-old, thin in typical Arabian Mau fashion. I ignored the cute orange kitten the attendant thrust into my face and said, “No. This one. I want this one.”

bean3 - Shelter Cat Goes on Adventure That Takes Him From Abu Dhabi to the U.S.
CAT. PHOTO: PIXABAY / Şahin Sezer Dinçe

Never mind that I had no idea how long we’d be in AD, never mind that my husband might kill me, never mind that I had no idea where we were going next, this cat knew I was coming. He waited for me.

Bean came home and kept me company in the huge villa while my husband worked. We snuggled while I struggled as a freelance writer, and we walked on a leash when the heat became slightly more tolerable as the sun went down. When it came time that the contract ended and we had to move on, a friend in the USA who had met Bean contacted me. He asked for him, he begged for him, said he’d never known a cooler cat.

I knew what he meant.

bean1 - Shelter Cat Goes on Adventure That Takes Him From Abu Dhabi to the U.S.

Another friend flew to AD to see us, and she took Bean back with her to deliver him to his new home. I sobbed like a baby at the airport, but the Facebook pictures of his new life in New Hampshire always make me happy.

Story submitted by Cate Brubaker from Tulum, Mexico.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog