Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/koala-in-christmas-tree/

image - Koala Breaks Into Family’s House And Climbs Into Their Christmas Tree

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…a koala in a Christmas tree? Well, apparently someone should consider rewriting the classic caroling diddy to include koalas because that is exactly what one stunned family in Australia found clinging to their Christmas tree.

The McCormick family was shocked to discover that their Christmas tree had been taken over by an adorable little houseguest who was hugging the side of their tree like an extra angel.

They immediately got in touch with the Adelaide and Hills Koala Rescue group who had to come collect the little animal from their home.

As the Adelaide and Hills Koala Rescue group shared on their Facebook page, they initially thought that the call was a joke. However, the caller, Amanda McCormick, insisted that it was for real – they really did have a koala hidden amongst their tree’s branches. The rescue group was surprised but delighted with the photos that were sent by Amanda.

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The rescue group shared with 9 News that koalas are often known to get themselves into some weird predicaments – but getting caught inside a Christmas tree was definitely a first for this organization!

The group stated that koalas are, by nature, very curious and will often feel inclined to investigate a strange situation and that is usually where they end up getting themselves into trouble. The group has received calls to come get koalas out of chicken coops, bathrooms, child strollers, bicycles, and toy cars, but they’ve never had a Christmas tree call – at least until now.

The Adelaide and Hills Koala Rescue group is comprised entirely of volunteers. According to their page description, they are dedicated to the “rescue, rehabilitation and release, where possible, of sick, injured and orphaned koalas. These are cared for at our own properties as we use the donations given to us in the best way, to help koalas in need rather than in paying rent, mortgage or utility bills.”

Guess this little guy will be rehabilitated and then sent on his way back to the wild, just in time for Christmas!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog