Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/rescue-feral-cat-marmie/

Special needs pets are often overlooked at shelters, especially feral cats. They are ready to love someone unconditionally and just want the same in return.

While they may require special medications or extra care, they all deserve a chance to find a loving home.

In 2017, a female cat was found on the streets of LA in horrible shape. She was brought to the South LA Animal Shelter and placed in the feral cat room. She was hours away from being euthanized when a woman walked up to her kennel with tears in her eyes and reached out a loving hand.

rescue feral cat marmie 2 675x675 - Sick Shelter Cat – Hours Away From Euthanasia – Is Now Living Her Best Life In Los Angeles, Thanks To Doting Mom
Photo: Instagram/ladiemarmie/

Daisy was working at an animal hospital in West Hollywood and was at the shelter as part of the Clear the Shelters event that occurs every year. She was told not to go into the feral cat room, but her heart told her to enter. She was drawn to a dirty, matted and very ill cat who welcomed her pats.

“I saw this poor cat that looked like she was dying, and honestly, I just started crying as soon as I saw her because she was just emaciated, completely dirty. She had huge mats. She was sneezing and had some blood spots on her face,” recalled Daisy.

She went on to tell us, “As soon as I knelt down in front of the cage, she just came up to me and started rubbing her face all over the cage and I stuck my fingers in there and she was obviously not feral.”

rescue feral cat marmie 3 675x675 - Sick Shelter Cat – Hours Away From Euthanasia – Is Now Living Her Best Life In Los Angeles, Thanks To Doting Mom
Photo: Instagram/ladiemarmie/

The feline had an old red collar on so Daisy believes she had a family at one time. Daisy had no intention of adopting another cat but couldn’t stop thinking about the friendly feline who was about to be euthanized.

“At the end of the day, and I couldn’t stop thinking about her and watching all the videos and photos that I took. And I just kind of made my decision. I’m like that cat deserves to have a second chance at life.”

The shelter did not charge an adoption fee and profusely thanked Daisy for adopting the ill cat. She weighed under 5 pounds and after receiving a much-needed bath headed to work with Daisy to be examined by the medical team.


She was named Marmie and the first thing the veterinarian told Daisy was, “don’t get too attached”, as she has a slew of health issues.

rescue feral cat marmie 4 675x675 - Sick Shelter Cat – Hours Away From Euthanasia – Is Now Living Her Best Life In Los Angeles, Thanks To Doting Mom
Photo: Instagram/ladiemarmie/

Daisy was not financially ready to take on a feline who was clearly suffering from several health problems, so thankfully she received a huge discount at her work.

Marmie is FIV-positive, has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (connective tissue disorder), stomatitis, asthma, and a diaphragmatic hernia – but is a happy and loving cat.

rescue feral cat marmie 5 675x675 - Sick Shelter Cat – Hours Away From Euthanasia – Is Now Living Her Best Life In Los Angeles, Thanks To Doting Mom
Photo: Instagram/ladiemarmie/

A few days after being adopted, Marmie had all her teeth removed due to an infection in the mouth, but she has adjusted well. Daisy was preparing herself to possibly say goodbye to her new pal after a few weeks due to her health issues, but six years later Marmie is still going strong.

Living Her Best Life

Marmie and Daisy are an inspiration to all. They have both shown incredible strength, determination, and love. There are more good days than bad and Marmie continues to enjoy life. She loves to cuddle with her mom who goes above and beyond to ensure Marmie is as comfortable as possible.

Marmie looks adorable in bandanas, but they are not just for looks. The bandanas help protect her delicate skin from injuries. Their scent-free home has an air purifier and humidifier to help her breath as easy as possible.

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Photo: Instagram/ladiemarmie/

“But asthma is something that she definitely struggles with. Still. Now I’m doing these nebulization coupage treatments where basically every day I turn the shower on, let the bathroom steam up and have her in there for about 10 to 15 minutes. And then I kind of pat her sides to basically, like, loosen up the gunk in her lungs and she doesn’t mind it at all. She’s really good for all of her treatments,” shared Daisy.

Marmie is a very social cat who is first to greet and entertain her mom and visitors. When she isn’t on someone’s lap, you will find her basking in the afternoon sun or hanging out in the bathroom.

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Photo: Instagram/ladiemarmie/

“She’s a big old mess like she has so many different health problems, but she is the happiest, sweetest cat I’ve ever known.”

Daisy decided to share her adorable cat with the world and created an Instagram page just for Marmie.

“I mean this is almost six years later and she’s like a little Instagram celebrity.”

rescue feral cat marmie 8 675x675 - Sick Shelter Cat – Hours Away From Euthanasia – Is Now Living Her Best Life In Los Angeles, Thanks To Doting Mom
Photo: Instagram/ladiemarmie/

The vets estimate Marmie to be somewhere between 10 and 15 years old. Daisy hopes she still has many more years with her.


Love transformed Marmie and Daisy hopes other people will consider adopting the overlooked and special needs cats.

She has worked in the shelter environment for years and saw firsthand how people would walk past the black cats and those missing an eye or ear. She urges people to give those cats a chance and to adopt an adult cat.

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Photo: Instagram/ladiemarmie/

“I will always get an adult cat over a kitten just because I know they’re the ones that are more likely to get euthanized as well.” She also encourages people to visit the kill shelters because those animals may have a limited time to find a home.

Give Back

Marmie gave Daisy’s life purpose, and she gives back by helping even more feral cats in her community through Trap, Neuter, Release (TNR). Millions of cats roam the streets of Los Angeles, and she is trying to do her part to help save their lives.

“It’s just this cycle of just horrible suffering. It’s the only way to prevent the suffering of those cats is to get them TNR,” states Daisy.

Every week she traps feral cats and brings them to a free spay/neuter clinic called Fix Nation, who also provides vaccinations and flea treatments. She keeps them in her bathroom overnight and then releases them back into their colonies. It is hard work, but so rewarding.

She hopes more people will step up to help feral cats. She said, “If you have even a garage or an extra room where you can hold cats overnight, you can get involved in TNR or you can get involved with fostering kittens or fostering friendly adults. And you know, just make an impact in their lives.”

Adopting a cat will definitely change their lives forever, but as Daisy shares it will also enhance yours. “Adopting the ones that are overlooked and getting involved in fostering kittens or friendly cats, getting involved in TNR, all of that honestly it has made such an impact in my life that I feel like I have meaning in my life now.”

rescue feral cat marmie 10 675x675 - Sick Shelter Cat – Hours Away From Euthanasia – Is Now Living Her Best Life In Los Angeles, Thanks To Doting Mom
Photo: Instagram/ladiemarmie/

Daisy is the epitome of compassion, and the world needs more people like her. Be sure to follow Marmie on Instagram for more adorable updates.

Learn more about Marmie in the video below and don’t forget to share.

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog