daniel plan u1WcrpHk6Pg unsplash 1 copy - Maddie’s Weekly Roundup: Free stock photos, “Bad pet portraits,” grant opportunities and more!

Happy Monday! Below is a brief roundup of resources added over the past week.

Introducing PetsandPeoplePhotos.org, a FREE image library
This FREE stock image library was created for animal well-being organizations by HeARTs Speak with #ThanksToMaddie. The goal of this ongoing stock photo project is to increase inclusivity and provide a welcoming environment for all community members. Explore the collection

How to add “bad pet portraits” to your animal organizations fundraising repertoire
You may have seen the trend of “bad” (or in some cases, good) pet portraits from animal well-being (welfare) organizations on social media. For those unfamiliar with it, a donation is made and in return, a portrait of the donors’ pet is drawn. How good the portrait is depends on the artist assigned to it.… Learn More

The Solutions Summit presented by The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement
Engage with your colleagues on big issues like access to care, staff retention, and building momentum for your diversity, equity and inclusion work during this June 13 online event. Learn More

New Shelter Animals Count Analytics and Forecasting Dashboard Now Available!
This new tool visualizes your organization’s trends and rates in one easy format. Not only can you look at your past data, but you will also be able to view forecasts for where your intakes, outcomes and population will be in the next three months. Check it out

Don’t forget: Monthly grant opportunity!
Maddie’s Fund® is giving away a $3,000 grant each month to one lucky Maddie’s® Pet Forum member!  You’ll automatically be entered to win each month when you start a new discussion, reply to a new post… Learn More

Weekly Community Conversations
Register now for the weekly Monday 11AM PT/2PM ET call for animal well-being professionals. These 50-minute calls are a collaborative space to share exciting new programs and research, discuss uncomfortable topics, connect with peers in the industry, and more, all while sharing a common goal of preserving the human-animal bond. There’s also $10,000 in grants given away each month to participants!

Want to help keep more people and pets together?
Join Maddie’s® Mailing List, connect with us at Maddie’s® Pet Forum and take advantage of free online training with Maddie’s® University!

Source: Chew On This