Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/puppy-born-with-cleft-palate-and-bad-eye/

Puppies are so adorable and cute. They’re little fluffy balls of joy. Every puppy is a special gift to this world.

However, sometimes some puppies come into this world needing a little extra attention. Sadly, not all puppies with medical issues get the help or attention they require. But there was one puppy who got very lucky in those regards.

1200x628 template 4 2023 04 26T184036.816 - Puppy Born With Cleft Palate And Bad Eye Finds A Family Who Accepts Him
Photo: YouTube/The Dodo

According to The Dodo, Kane is an American bully pup who is living his best life with his family. However, that wasn’t always his life.

In fact, when he was first born, he had an array of problems. Kane had been born with a cleft palate and a bad eye. He needed to be rescued when he was only days old. Fortunately for Kane, help came in the form of the NorCal Bully Breed Rescue.

1200x628 template 4 2023 04 26T184142.413 - Puppy Born With Cleft Palate And Bad Eye Finds A Family Who Accepts Him
Photo: YouTube/The Dodo

They knew immediately that the situation was dire for Kane. If he was going to have any hope of survival, he was going to require care around the clock. The Bully Rescue got in contact with Leslie, one of their dog foster carers, if she could take on the responsibility of caring for Kane. Leslie immediately agreed, and got to work taking care of Kane – something that wasn’t an easy task as he required living in an incubator and being hand-fed.

At first, it seemed like Kane was getting stronger, but then after six weeks, he went on a food strike.

1200x628 template 4 2023 04 26T184216.107 - Puppy Born With Cleft Palate And Bad Eye Finds A Family Who Accepts Him
Photo: YouTube/The Dodo

It was then they also discovered that the poor pup had a bad eye. Neither was he physically developing on schedule like he should. But Kane wasn’t a quitter. The little pooch defied the odds and began to get better, even managing to eat on his own!

Moreover, Kane proved that he was up for the challenge of having out with Leslie’s other foster dogs. He was making leaps and bounds in his recovery, but there was still one thing that evaded him: a forever home. Luckily for Kane, while he was being fostered, a woman named Melissa reached out to the rescue and expressed interest in adopting him.

1200x628 template 4 2023 04 26T184249.087 - Puppy Born With Cleft Palate And Bad Eye Finds A Family Who Accepts Him
Photo: YouTube/The Dodo

Now, Kane is living his happily ever after with Melissa and her family. His new mom can’t get over how wonderful of an addition to the family he is, saying that he fits right in and is “the best friend.”

We’re so happy for you Kane!

Watch the precious video down below:

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What do you think about this puppy’s journey? Let us know!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog