Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/nulli-sidewalk-specials/

An abandoned dog in South Africa was given a second chance at life, and now, she’s thriving thanks to rescuers with Sidewalk Specials.

Sidewalk Specials shared that Nulli’s owner left her behind and some local dogs attacked her when she sought out food.

1200x628 template 4 2023 04 12T143224.906 - Abandoned Dog Covered in “Hundreds” of Puncture Wounds Learns To Live Life to the Fullest
Photo: YouTube/Sidewalk Specials

Despite her pain and injuries, Nulli waited at her owner’s old home, day in and day out, hoping that he’d somehow return.

Eventually, a Good Samaritan called Sidewalk Specials and informed them about the poor pup. They were quick to find Nulli and get her to a veterinarian for an urgent check-up.

1200x628 template 4 2023 04 12T143636.369 - Abandoned Dog Covered in “Hundreds” of Puncture Wounds Learns To Live Life to the Fullest
Photo: YouTube/Sidewalk Specials

Once at the veterinarian, Nulli got a much-needed bath and haircut and that’s when it was revealed that her condition was much worse than previously thought. Nulli’s fur had been hiding “hundreds” of puncture wounds from the attacking dogs. Beyond the severe puncture wounds, Nulli was suffering from a fractured skull and had some broken teeth as well.

It took some time and a lot of healing, but Nulli was eventually ready to find her forever home – and boy, did she!

1200x628 template 4 2023 04 12T143705.015 - Abandoned Dog Covered in “Hundreds” of Puncture Wounds Learns To Live Life to the Fullest
Photo: YouTube/Sidewalk Specials

Nulli was adopted by a wonderful family who takes her on beach adventures and even has another dog to play with. She’ll never have to worry about starving, dog fights, or being abandoned again.

You can see her transformation and story in the video below:

Warning: The following video contains graphic images. Viewer discretion is advised.

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog