Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/rescue-story-hex/

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

The first picture was the first I saw of Hex, from his litter’s “free to a good home” ad. I was taken by the zest I saw in those ice blue eyes immediately. When I visited the litter, I explained that he would be a playmate for another kitten, Jinx, who was older, and I’d need a kitten that could keep up. The lady pointed to the same little guy I’d loved on that ad and said, “You need HIM!”

“Like fate,” I thought, as we drove home.

hex2 - Playful Cat Suddenly Develops Serious Illness, But His Human Won’t Give Up on Him

His eyes told the truth. His hobbies were climbing furniture, stealing things, and skittering them across the floor with an upbeat chirp. But even greater than his rambunctiousness was his heart. He developed the habit of putting his front paws up on my knees, like a child asking to be held. I always gave in, and he’d wrap his arms around me like he never wanted to let go, his tail as puffy as a porcupine. He grew so fast, and soon I was daydreaming about the day I’d come home to them in six years with a medical degree and a dream accomplished.

That was nearly taken from us. The second picture is the last taken before the illness. He was puking white foam often and wouldn’t eat. I rushed him to the vet to find out that his GI tract had stopped working. Due to his playfulness, we assumed he’d ingested something. Surgery proved us wrong. Before I knew it, the vet was sending me home with a very sick cat, no answers, and little hope.

hex3 - Playful Cat Suddenly Develops Serious Illness, But His Human Won’t Give Up on Him

But Hex wasn’t done.

After weeks of syringe-feeding, the baby steps began. First was grooming, then drinking, then a little soft food, then purring and snuggling. Soon, he was eating kibble and playing again. I never gave up and neither did he. I cried tears of joy. My spunky boy survived. He’s fine now, as if it all never happened, but things like this make you appreciate what you have. Give your cat a hug today. You never know when you might lose them.

Story submitted by Misty Beason from Weaver, Alabama.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

hex4 - Playful Cat Suddenly Develops Serious Illness, But His Human Won’t Give Up on Him

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog