Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/people-vote-with-pets-in-mind/

As people mail their ballots or head to the polls to vote, they are doing so with their pets in mind.

While most of us would agree that a dog or cat would make a purrfect president, we can vote for the candidate that would be best for ourselves and our pets.

Banfield Pet Hospital discovered in a recent survey that 65% of pet owners are considering how issues will impact their pets in the future as they vote in this year’s presidential election.

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The online survey conducted on 1,000 U.S. dog and cat owners found that the human-animal bond is stronger than ever. As people spend more time at home with their pets, they are happier as they turn to their pets for comfort during these uncertain times.

75% of people admit they turn to their pets 3 or more times per day to feel better. In addition, 53% said they prefer to spend election night with their beloved dog or cat over their roommate or significant other.

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Pets are also bringing people together – even those who disagree on political views are finding common ground in their shared love of pets.

In fact, 64% of pet owners say they would be more inclined to have a conversation with someone with different political views if they knew that person was a pet owner.

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“Not only is the human-animal bond stronger than ever before, our research shows that pets have the ability to impact the human-to-human bond, helping to unite people despite differences or disagreements,” Brian Garish, president of Banfield Pet Hospital, said in a statement. “We’re incredibly encouraged that as a result of spending more time together, the bond between pets and their owners is only getting stronger and – even during the most stressful of times – people are more committed than ever to ensuring their pets get the preventive care they need.”

Pets are also benefiting from more one-on-one time. The study showed 45% of owners believe their pets seem happier and more playful since the start of social distancing. People are also more inclined to adopt a dog or cat, which is a win-win!

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Are looking for a loyal companion that never argues back – well, at least most of the time – and is a great listener? You will find the perfect match at your local animal shelter.

If you haven’t already, please vote!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog