Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/police-dog-yearbook-photo/

There’s no doubt that dogs can work their way into our hearts. Between the fact that they are adorable and the love they show, we quickly make them a part of our lives.

Some dogs become a special part of many people’s lives, which is the case with K-9 officer Detective Gibbs. He works at the Camp Hill School District in Pennsylvania, and the students love seeing him.

1200x628 template 4 2023 02 21T114229.587 - Adorable Police Dog Earns His Way Into School Yearbook
Photo: Pexels/Kobe-

As the Camp Hill Police Department shared, he is such a good boy that the golden retriever was selected to be a part of the school yearbook. The faculty and staff at the school district heard the children and listened, and now his picture can be seen with the other students.

Detective Gibbs follows his human, School Resource Officer Joe Capers, as he makes his round on campus. Unlike some K-9 officers that sniff for explosives or drugs, Detective Gibbs is there to love the students and does a great job of it.

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Photo: Pexels/Svetozar Milashevich

Stephen Margeson is the chief of police, who spoke with Newsweek.

He said: “He’s a beautiful golden retriever who is a fury officer friendly who helps to humanize police. He is not a police work dog (no drug sniffs, no patrol dog work), just community engagement with Officer Capers.”

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Photo: Pexels/Helena Lopes

Detective Gibbs is part of a growing trend of community engagement dogs. Police stations are looking for these dogs to help support them in their duties, but it can be expensive to train them.

At any rate, it’s nice to see such a friendly face in a yearbook picture. I’m sure that this will be something the students will remember for many years.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog