Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/new-york-animal-testing-ban/

In a historic move, New York just became the 10th state to ban the sale of cosmetics that have been tested on animals.

The New York Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act (Senate Bill S4839B) was signed into law by Governor Kathy Hochul and will prohibit the manufacture and sale of cosmetics in New York State that have been tested on animals.

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Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal tweeted about the victory for animals, saying:

“Another win for animals of New York State! @GovKathyHochul has signed the #CrueltyFreeCosmetics Act, my bill ending the manufacture & sale of cosmetic products in NYS that have been tested on animals. Animals will no longer face cruel & painful experiments for our vanity.”

Rosenthal said in a statement:

“For decades, helpless animals have been subjected to cruel and painful experiments simply for the creation of cosmetic products. At the same time, research methods have evolved, rendering unnecessary the requirement that animals undergo inhumane tests to help companies create a new mascara or shampoo. In 2008, I passed a law prohibiting the use of cruel animal testing methods in cases where an alternative was available. The Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act is the final step in ensuring that New York State is free of cosmetics tested on animals for our own vanity.”

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Photo: Flickr/Steve Baker License: CC BY-ND 2.0

Other states that have implemented similar policies include California, Nevada, Illinois, Hawaii, Maryland, Maine, New Jersey, Virginia, and Louisiana.

The monumental decision is a step in the right direction for animal welfare across the United States. In a statement from the Humane Soceity of the United States, Brian Shapiro, HSUS New York state director, said: “With Governor Hochul’s signature on this legislation, New York State officially recognizes that cosmetics testing on animals should be a thing of the past, and has joined the growing number of states and companies calling for a stop to these experiments.”

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Photo: Pexels/ardeshir etemad

He added, “With the increasing availability of non-animal test methods and thousands of existing ingredients, there is no excuse to continue harming animals for the sake of products such as shampoo, aftershave or mascara.”

The law will kick into effect in January 2023.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog