Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/dog-crashes-jiu-jitsu/

If you’ve ever been to a Ju Jitsu match, you realize that things can get a little busy.

Everybody is so focused on what is happening on the mat in front of them that sometimes, they miss what is happening on the sidelines.

1200x628 template 4 2022 12 20T154749.354 - Random Dog Shows Up At Jiu Jitsu Competition And Steals The Show
Photo: Instagram/@dojoroninchile

That recently happened in Valparaiso when the Liga Chilena de Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was holding the Campeonato Nacional Open.

Everybody in attendance was focused on the fights that were taking place on the mat, and it seems as if a dog was watching as well.

1200x628 template 4 2022 12 20T154918.898 - Random Dog Shows Up At Jiu Jitsu Competition And Steals The Show
Photo: Instagram/@dojoroninchile

Suddenly, the dog comes marching out onto the mat in full view of everyone and went to the two competitors that were in the middle of a struggle.

As they wrestled on the mat, the dog came over and did something unexpected.

1200x628 template 4 2022 12 20T154956.109 - Random Dog Shows Up At Jiu Jitsu Competition And Steals The Show
Photo: Instagram/@dojoroninchile

Suddenly, the man who was on the mat was treated to a big black dog that lay down right on top of him. It was almost as if the dog was there to protect him from getting hurt.

Fortunately, the moment was caught on video and now the entire world can see:

[embedded content]

Immediately, one of the referees stops to match and another comes over to pick up the dog and carry him to safety.

Check out the clip below:

Nobody is really sure where the dog came from or why he came over but the man on the mat seems to be having a good time. He can’t help but smile as the big dog saves him from harm.

The audience was also thrilled with what they were seeing. According to someone who spoke with The Dodo, all eyes were on the dog and the competition had to stop.

I can’t say for sure whether the dogs saved the day, but he sure did make the day for many.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog