Untitled design 2022 12 19T155318.746 696x464 - 5 ways to give back to your dog this holiday season

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The holiday season is a time to focus on giving back to your friends and family, and don’t forget your beloved four-legged friends! 

Your dog fills your life with joy, love and wet doggy kisses. So, show them how much you care with the 5 best ways to give back to your dog this holiday season.

1) Maintain their regular routine

The holidays can really throw your regular routine off. With all the cooking, baking, gift-buying and gift-wrapping that needs to be done, it’s hard to find time for the normal day-to-day things that you’re used to doing with your dog.

However, your dog thrives off of routine, so keeping up with your dog’s walking schedule and incorporating regular playtime into your busy tinsel-filled days will mean the world to your dog’s physical and mental health.

2) Give your dog a new toy

Presents aren’t what the holidays are about, but giving your dog a new toy is one way to show that you’re thinking about them. It doesn’t have to be expensive, even just a new ball can make your dog’s day. Also, playing with a new toy is a great way to bond with your dog.

If you’re crafty and have the time, you can even do it yourself and make them a toy!

3) Include your dog in the holiday festivities

Dogs love being close to their loved ones, so another way to give back to your dog is to not leave them out. Bring them along when you go pick out your Christmas tree, or when you go Christmas carolling, or any of your other Christmas activities and traditions. 

4) Reduce holiday stress

The holidays are a stressful time for everyone and your dog can feel it. Try to ease your dog’s stress by creating a stress-free room to put them in while you’re decorating or when guests come over. This can help make your dog feel safe during an unpredictable time for them. 

5) Get your dog a healthy treat!

Lastly, a great way to give back to your dog is by giving them a healthy dog treat. The healthiest dog treats use simple ingredients and don’t contain harmful chemicals or fillers. That’s why the perfect dog treat is Northwest Naturals’ Raw Rewards!

Raw Rewards dog treats are the healthiest dog treats because they are freeze-dried and made with only one nutritious ingredient! Also, because Raw Rewards are made with one simple ingredient and are grain-free and gluten-free, they are the perfect treat for dogs with food-related sensitivities too! 

Do you have a picky eater at home? Raw Rewards has 14 different unique single-ingredient treats so there’s something for every dog to love!

Learn more about Northwest Naturals’ healthy Raw Rewards one-ingredient treats and find a store that carries them near you!

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Source: Animal Wellness Magazine