Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/bears-play-in-water/

image - Family Of Bears Caught Having A Blast Playing In A Pool

There is something so human-like about bears, and one series of pictures perfectly captures this as three bears play around in a pool.

The bears were having fun playing around in the water, completely unaware that there was a wildlife camera busy capturing fifty-two photos.

The images were from the HRCA Backcountry Wilderness Area, where why were uploaded to Facebook by HRCA Backcountry Wilderness. As they wrote in their post, the water source is also enjoyed by plenty of other wild animals such as raccoons or falcons.

Based on the multitude of pictures, it is clear that bears were more than happy to use the water source as their own personal pool. In the pictures, they are seen jumping into the pool and making giant splashes. It is clear that they are having loads of fun.

Initially, it’s only the two bears who are making a splash in the water, but then they’re eventually joined by a friend. The group has fun until there is a little incident.

In one of the pictures, a bear who is named Baby is balancing himself on the side of the water container. That is when the bear slips and goes tumbling back into the water with the other bears. They don’t seem too impressed by this bear. The bears then seem to get back to their gameplay and even horse around in a very rough manner.

The day of fun continues for the bears. In their entire day, the three bears seem to go through every emotion. They are having fun.

They have their moments of playful bickering. They even have a moment of quiet contemplation when they seemed to be taking in the natural beauty around them – such a human thing to do. It was clear from these pictures that the bears were feeling the harmony of being in nature.

The HRCA Backcountry Wilderness offered some background on the area where the bears were caught on camera. In their post, they said, “Centennial Water owns wells in the Backcountry that can provide ground water to our community as a supplement to Highlands Ranch’s surface water rights. Ten of those wells are equipped with yard hydrants that allow us to fill stock tanks from April-October. We work closely with Centennial Water to make that happen. The Backcountry Wilderness Area also owns two wells with electricity that we can put tank heaters in through the winter months to keep two water sources available through the colder months. Over the past four years, we have added 14 more 1,000-gallon tanks in strategic areas throughout the property to improve habitat.”

Because of this, they’re able to capture incredible and fun photos of animals enjoying the pool all year round!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog