Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/fisherman-seal-friends/

We all have our routines that we perform day in and day out. For one fisherman, his routine brought a blind seal into his life.

And after many years, these two have formed a very strong and solidified friendship.

Shauna the seal was only a pup back in 2010 when she first made contact with Nicholas Lewis. The little hungry pup had popped her head out of the water while she was searching for food. That is when the two struck up a friendship, and ever since that day, the little seal has always been around Peel Bay on the Isle of Man to greet her buddy.

120937740 1727686370730342 6102582630339822909 n 1 - Lobster Fisherman Has Looked After A Blind Seal For The Last 10 Years At Sea
Photo: Facebook / La Ligue Des Animaux

41-year-old who works as a crab and lobster fisherman has grown very fond of Shauna over the years and he has even admitted that he’s come to love the seal as if she’s his own child. His fur baby likes to spend her afternoons in his company, trailing after one of the three boats that he uses. Once the work is done, Shauna gets treated to two or three mackerel as a reward.

Nicholas is a father of four who didn’t realize he was taking on a fifth kid that first morning that Shauna appeared. As the fisherman shared according to Good News Network, once she was fed, she made it a regular habit to show up in the mornings. And he just kept on feeding her whenever she did – that prompted the pup to become very comfortable around him and his family. She’s such a part of his life now that he loves to see her waiting to greet him every morning.

Screenshot 98 - Lobster Fisherman Has Looked After A Blind Seal For The Last 10 Years At Sea
Photo: YouTube / SWNS

However, over time as she’s gotten older, the seal has lost her vision. It first started when she went blind in one of her eyes. Nicholas then noticed that she seemed to be losing her sight in the other one as well, and eventually, she progressed to full blindness.

Because of her eyesight loss, Nicholas has been even more committed to caring for the seal.

Screenshot 99 - Lobster Fisherman Has Looked After A Blind Seal For The Last 10 Years At Sea
Photo: YouTube / SWNS

He is ever so grateful for the 10 years of friendship that they’ve had together and he has stated that he isn’t going to take any moment spent with her for granted. To him, this precious seal is another member of his family – and that is just so touching to see.

Watch the video of their beautiful friendship below:

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog