patrick hendry o2BQVT hnr4 unsplash copy - Holiday promotion ideas for your animal organization

With the fall season in full swing and winter right around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about what promotions or marketing campaigns your organization will try out to engage your community, find fosters/adopters, keep pets in homes, and raise funds around the holiday season. That’s why the final resource drive of 2022 on Maddie’s® Pet Forum is all about holiday promotions!

We’re asking that you show and tell everyone about the Fall/Winter Holiday Promotions you are planning to do, have done in the past, or have seen others do well!

How to participate: 

  1. Reply on this thread on the Forum with details about your most popular holiday promotions you’ve done in the past. Share links to social media posts, webpage links and other creative materials you used for the promotion.
  2. Reply with what you plan to launch this year! What holidays is your organization planning to focus on, what goals you are trying to achieve (ex: we need to raise awareness about our pet food pantry), and how you plan to engage your audience.
  3. Share a favorite holiday promotion you liked that another organization did. Be sure to give them credit by including that organization’s name.

Where will the Holiday Promotion Resources be stored? How do I view them? 
All holiday promotion resources shared on this thread will be accessible in the “Holiday Promotions” folder in the Maddie’s® Pet Forum Library:

Share and you’ll be entered to win $50
Everyone who uploads a file, shares a resource on this thread or replies with information about a holiday promotion from October through December will be entered to win a $50 gift card to Amazon, Petco or PetSmart (winner’s choice).  Start sharing now!

See this post on Maddie’s® Pet Forum for more details, tips and of course, ideas!

Source: Chew On This