Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/rescue-dog-fighting-ring/

While most of us will never be able to wrap our minds around it, dogs are sadly and regularly forced into fighting rings. Such was the case for a sweet pit bull mix named Scooby who, after being saved from that same fate, finally gained enough confidence to bark again six years after he was rescued. Before that, the best Scooby could muster was what amounted to pitiful puppy yips. In the meantime, he was a quivering mess that needed all the help he could get just to make it through each day of freedom.

End Dogfighting Rings

A man by the name of Chris became Scooby’s savior after adopting the traumatized animal. Scooby was discovered by police after a raid on a dogfighting ring back in 2016. Pit bulls are frequently used for these illegal activities. Due to his breed and the circumstances he had lived under, he was at high risk for euthanasia because of the difficulty of placing him in a shelter with enough experience to deal with his past. Then Chris came along. Chris has documented Scooby’s progress over the years and was pleased to announce that Scooby passed a major milestone on his road to emotional recovery by barking.

pit bull - Rescue Dog “Scooby” Has Finally Found His Voice After Being Saved From a Life of Fighting
Photo: Pixabay/vilinapetrova

Let the Healing Begin

With constant reassurance, patience, love, and positive reinforcement, Scooby slowly but surely started to come out of his shell. He is still timid and uncertain if he thinks he might be in trouble, but he’s come so far compared to the state he was in when he was discovered. He most certainly did not have the temperament for the life that was chosen for him, so it’s likely he would not have lasted long in that environment before being killed in the ring or abandoned by his keepers.

Scooby cowering - Rescue Dog “Scooby” Has Finally Found His Voice After Being Saved From a Life of Fighting
Photo: YouTube/SWNS

Accidents Happen

Chris explains in his video that Scooby sometimes has accidents in the house and trembles with fear at the thought that he’ll pay mightily for them, but Chris reassures him in soft, soothing tones that everything is going to be okay and that he is not in trouble. Even though Scooby has come so far, it’s still heartbreaking to see how badly his former life still haunts him. He is extremely timid and shakes uncontrollably to this day after everything he’s been through.

Do the Right Thing

If you suspect an animal is being mistreated or that they are being subjected to cruelty, notify your local authorities and alert your county animal services to investigate. Not everyone wants to involve themselves in matters that don’t personally concern them, but illegal dog fighting and abuse are issues that need to be confronted by professionals who can’t do anything about it unless they know what’s going on. Call and save a life whenever possible.

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog