Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/wild-horses-evade-capture-utah/

Wild horses living in the Blawn Wash Herd Area and the Bible Springs Complex in Utah are running for their lives as helicopter roundups continue in the area. This includes foals who are running with all their might to keep up with the herd.

286 horses have been captured since the roundup began on August 7, but on the 12th day of the roundup a band of wild horses managed to escape capture.

Photographers who were onsite documenting the roundup on behalf of American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC) witnessed several days of heartbreaking moments when families were torn apart. However, they also witnessed a small victory for a band of six wild horses led by a buckskin stallion.

On Thursday, a family was able to stay together (for now) thanks to quick thinking and maneuvers. Photographer Darlene Smith captured the stallion leading his herd away from danger and the images were shared by AWHC.

The nonprofit organization wrote, “The helicopter flew from just before 8 am until 11 am and managed to only capture a single stallion before giving up for the day. Not for lack of trying though. Small bands of determined mustangs evaded the trap throughout the morning. At one point, a group of 6 horses, led by a beautiful buckskin stallion came into view over a ridge near our field representative. The helicopter approached to drive the herd back down the ridge but just before he took off again, one of the beautiful horses paused and stared at us for a brief moment. We wondered what he was thinking. #stoptheroundups”.

Animal advocate groups have urged BLM (Bureau of Land Management) to use fertility control to control population numbers and eliminate deadly roundups, but the helicopter roundups continue.

People are outraged at the terror the wild horses must face in the roundups and are calling for them to stop. One person commented, “These horrific roundups by BLM of our precious wild horses have to stop! These wild horses are icons of the west and belong free just as the cattle. This is all about greed between BLM and the cattlemen and it is WRONG! It’s sad, sick and disgusting watching these horrific pictures!”

Another simply said, “I’m on team Wild Horses!!!!”

Horses are intelligent animals who must rely on their instincts to survive in the wild and they are once again outsmarting man. They deserve to live wild and free.

Sadly, dozens have already lost their lives in the roundups occurring in western states.

AWHC Communications Director, Grace Kuhn, said, “It is unconscionable for the BLM to claim that roundups are safe for wild horses, attempting to convince the public these cruel operations are in the animals’ best interests. Wild horses are safest in the wild, and 64 federally-protected icons would still be alive if not for the BLM continuing to use this outdated and inhumane method of management.”

Click below to take a stand for wild horses and support the Wild Horse and Burro Protection Act.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog