Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/rapunzel-horse-with-long-hair/

image - This Fairytale Horse Has Beautiful Long Hair Just Like Rapunzel

I’m not ashamed to admit that I love all animals. There are certain animals, however, that really grab my attention, and I think that horses are at the top of the list. There is just something beautiful about their every move and when you see one running across an open field, it can take your breath away.

Of course, not all horses are created equal, and a horse named Storm is one that certainly deserves our attention. Storm is an 8-year-old Haflinger mare. That breed is known for the beautiful hair that they possess, but Storm seems to have taken things to the next level. Her beautiful locks are sure to make any woman jealous.

Because of her beauty, many people have started to call her Rapunzel. It’s easy to see why she has earned that name. Naomi Beckers is Storm’s human BFF and she takes care of her. Naomi, who is 24 years old, couldn’t help but notice her beautiful head of hair, so she obtained her from her previous owner about 2 years ago. Interestingly, Naomi has a similar head of hair, so the 2 of them have something unique in common.

Storm’s hair has not been cut since she was 2 years old. It is now 3 feet long and she looks like a princess. They even braided her hair to protect it on occasion.

As you can imagine, Storm is quite popular online. She has a fan base of more than 55,000 followers on Instagram. People just seem to keep coming back for more.

“Storm helps me with that, she is a very nice mare, you can do anything with her. She has a real Haflinger character, she is sweet and calm, but she can also be very stubborn. If she does not feel like doing something, she lets you know and if she is really looking forward to something, you can certainly notice that, then she becomes very enthusiastic! I started this account because of Storm. When I bought her two years ago she already had quite a fan base, she was already quite famous online. So I thought it would be nice to create an account so that I could show Storms fans how she fared,” Naomi said, according to Bit Magazine.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog