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Kids and stickers are a dangerous combination. If you give a kid a sheet of stickers, you might come to regret that decision later as they tend to go crazy with decorating every surface they can find.

Even if you tell a kid to only stick to paper for their creative endeavors, you might not get the results you were hoping for.

In fact, when I was a kid, my mom gave me some Winnie the Pooh-themed stickers and a large packet of construction paper. Let’s just say that the paper packet stayed intact and I ended up going ham and placing stickers on my bedroom door. Even to this day, I can still see the outlines of the stickers through the paint.

1200x628 template 4 2022 07 30T223318.905 - Toddler Covers Her Dogs With Bright Stickers
Photo: TikTok/@enjoy20221

One little toddler had quite the field day decorating the most unlikely of surfaces in her home: her pet dogs’ coats!

Dogs are such lovely little companions to our tiny humans. They’re so loving and patient with kids. These two Golden Retrievers proved to be the absolute sweetest with their small toddler companion as they patiently allow the child to completely cover them with stickers.

1200x628 template 4 2022 07 30T223407.732 - Toddler Covers Her Dogs With Bright Stickers
Photo: TikTok/@enjoy20221

In the video, you can see that the toddler is busy putting stickers on one of her canine companions, but then the camera cuts to the other dog beside her on the couch.

This pooch is COVERED with brightly colored stickers to the point that you almost can’t see any trace of fur.

1200x628 template 4 2022 07 30T223533.888 - Toddler Covers Her Dogs With Bright Stickers
Photo: TikTok/@enjoy20221

Still, despite the sticky decorations, neither pup seems to be put out. They just are enjoying spending quality time with their small human friend. Isn’t that so cute?

Watch the TikTok video below:

@enjoy20221 She pasted it into a flower dog. #animalsfunny #pets #dog #반려동물 #강아지 #animals ♬ 原聲 – wojtoelvinxa13

Has your kid ever decorated their pet with stickers? Let us know!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog