Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/dog-gets-emotional-support-dog/

image - Dog That Suffers From Anxiety After Being Mauled Gets His Own Emotional Support Dog

We could all use a helping hand in life, and it seems as if that is also true for our furry friends. Arnold is a perfect example of this. He is a 2-year-old Weimaraner, but when he was a little puppy, he was mauled by a German Shepherd.

Arnold lives with his human companion, Carolyn Manalis of Perth, Australia. She had to watch as the little dog became more and more skittish due to that experience. Arnold suffers from separation anxiety and any time a larger dog is around, it frightens him even more.

That is where Frank comes in. As a miniature dachshund, Frank is just the right size to hang out with Arnold. Manalis adopted Frank from a friend, and before long, Frank was acting as an emotional support dog for Arnold.

“The bond these two dogs have is just insanely beautiful,” Manalis told Caters News. “They are so connected and loving and supportive of one another. If one ever cries, the other one is there in half a second to check they are OK. Their love is unconditional, regardless of their size or breed.”

When you look at the two dogs, you would probably think Arnold was the leader of the pack. Frank may be 66 pounds lighter, but he is so sure of himself and has helped Arnold with his anxiety.

Manalis said that Frank was able to assist Arnold in regaining his confidence and letting him know that he can wrestle without feeling as if he is going to get hurt in the process. They have become good friends and Frank has helped Arnold to heal.

At the same time, Arnold has also helped Frank as they work their way around the house.

“We swear Frank thinks Arnold is his dad,” Manalis said, according to the New York Post. “Being the second child, he definitely didn’t get as much training and attention as the first. Most of what he has learned, he has learned from Arnold.”

Frank has even become somewhat of a copycat, so if Arnold barks, Frank barks! Arnold also assisted Frank with his house training, taught him how to chase a ball, and how to wait patiently as he has his collar and leash put on. These two are now two peas in a pod.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog