Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/amber-dog-rescued-from-abandoned-house/

For some stray dogs, life on the streets can be quite traumatizing to the point that they are no longer able to trust.

They become scared and timid when people are around, unable to believe that they won’t get hurt. It’s quite heartbreaking, as no animal should ever feel as though they will never be loved or cared for.

Thankfully, there are organizations full of kind-hearted individuals who are committed to helping to rescue the lost and abandoned animals who need a little love and kindness in their lives.

1200x628 template 4 2022 07 18T163923.202 - Dog Left In House After Her Owner Dies Spends Months Living Alone
Photo: YouTube/Howl Of A Dog

For one little dog, Amber, life had really thrown her a curveball. The poor dog was left both heartbroken and abandoned after her owner passed away. As a result, Amber had ended up alone in the empty house for months on end.

What she went through was quite traumatic – suddenly finding yourself alone to fend for yourself – it is no wonder that Amber ended up developing some major trust issues when Howl Of A Dog showed up to try and help.

1200x628 template 4 2022 07 18T164159.996 - Dog Left In House After Her Owner Dies Spends Months Living Alone
Photo: YouTube/Howl Of A Dog

After someone saw the dog living in the yard of the abandoned home, the rescue was called in to help get her out. Only, Amber was just too shy and reluctant to go anywhere near them. But the rescuers with Howl Of A Dog were not going to give up so easily.

They were determined to bring Amber to safety. It took a lot of patience, but they were finally able to lure the 3-year-old pooch into the home where they caught her.

1200x628 template 4 2022 07 18T164258.660 - Dog Left In House After Her Owner Dies Spends Months Living Alone
Photo: YouTube/Howl Of A Dog

When they rescued her, Amber was in poor shape. Her fur was riddled with ticks. In addition, Amber also had a condition known as Babesiosis. Fortunately for Amber, she was in good hands and she was able to receive the medical attention she needed.

Watch the video below:

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What do you think of Amber’s journey? Let us know!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog