Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/cat-meets-newborn/

Most people treat their pets like they’re their human children, which makes sense since they are part of the family.

When it’s time for people to have actual human babies, they always wonder how their pets will take to their newborn.

Screen Shot 2022 05 10 at 2.24.33 PM - Cat Meets His Newborn Human Sister & It’s Love At First Sight
Photo: YouTube/USA Today

Will they be curious and interested in the baby? Will they be jealous and want all of the attention? Will they be enamored by the little one and develop a special bond?

That’s what Romy Depraetere worried about when she brought home her newborn daughter, Olivia. She wasn’t sure how her British shorthair cat, Jules, would feel about the baby, but they were anxious to find out.

As soon as they brought Olivia home to Jules, all of their worries faded away.

Screen Shot 2022 05 10 at 2.23.20 PM - Cat Meets His Newborn Human Sister & It’s Love At First Sight
Photo: YouTube/USA Today

Jules was immediately drawn to baby Olivia and went over to her carseat to check her out. Upon meeting her, Jules even gave her some gentle kisses on her head.

“Jules has been interested in Olivia since the beginning. When he hears her crying or making noises, he often tries to crawl into her crib,” Romy Depraetere, Olivia’s mom, told USA TODAY.

Screen Shot 2022 05 10 at 2.23.55 PM - Cat Meets His Newborn Human Sister & It’s Love At First Sight
Photo: YouTube/USA Today

It’s obvious that these two will grow up to be the best of friends.

They already share such a special bond, and what makes it even more special is that Olivia just happened to be born on Jules’ birthday! Maybe it was fate!

Watch Jules meet Olivia for the first time in the heartwarming video below:

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog