Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/dog-stops-bird-fight/

Dogs aren’t just loyal companions, they’re also pretty good at keeping the peace. In our household, whenever the cats got into a disagreement, it was usually our dog who would be going to investigate and trying to make the two animals stop swatting at each other.

Because of our dog’s natural nurturing energy towards the other pets in the house, we nicknamed her Mother Hen. She was always the one we could count on to keep the other pets in line.

In fact, whenever we left the house for work, we’d tell her “watch the house and the pets.” She was our babysitter for the cats and rabbit when we weren’t home.

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It isn’t just our house that relies on our dog to keep the peace between pets. In fact, in the video below, there is another family that has a four-legged babysitter.

The video footage captures a pit bull getting in between two fighting birds. They look like they’re some kind of rooster or other poultry bird, but the two black-feathered birds are viciously going at one another.

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Photo: YouTube/RM Videos

As they fight, the eye is drawn to movement in the corner of the screen that suddenly gets bigger – it’s the pit bull coming to break up the fight!

The dog gets between the two fighting birds, actively trying to get the two flustered feather friends to calm down and stop pecking at one another. He just wants everyone to get along!

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Photo: YouTube/RM Videos

What is incredible about this, is the fact that the dog knows what’s going on and is actively trying to stop it. It’s yet another reminder of how special dogs are, and how we don’t deserve them.

Watch this good boy break up the fight below:

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Has your dog ever broken up a fight between two other animals in your home? Let us know!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog