Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/up-close-animal-eye-pictures/

It has sometimes been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. I’m not sure how accurate that statement is, but I can tell you that eyes are beautiful and each individual has something unique that they bring to the table.

Looking into somebody’s eyes will often tell you much about them, and you may even find it to be mesmerizing. Perhaps that is why photographer, Suren Manvelyan, has made it the focus of their work.

By producing extreme close-ups of animals’ eyes, you can see how different they are and how beautiful they are. Here are 15 for you to consider.

1. Tokay Gecko

2. Blue-Yellow Macaw Parrot

3. Llama

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4. Rockfish

5. Alaskan Malamut

6. Crane

7. Husky

8. Nylus Crocodile

8 - 15 Extremely Close-Up Photos Of Animal Eyes
Photo: SurenManvelyan|Instagram

9. Long-Eared Owl

9 - 15 Extremely Close-Up Photos Of Animal Eyes
Photo: SurenManvelyan|Instagram

10 .Ray

11. Camel

12. Horse

13. Chinchilla

13 - 15 Extremely Close-Up Photos Of Animal Eyes
Photo: SurenManvelyan|Instagram

14. Hippo

15. Porcupine Fish

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog